

This site (as is everything else) is dedicated to my wife Catherine Murphy. Also Reynan Punzalan for an immense amount of scanning. As always Al Nowak and Thom Murcko and Robin DeGroat from On Location Studios in Poughkeepsie, NY, for their ongoing help in all things photographic. for all his hard work in getting me started on the way to this site.

Vassar College in myriad ways – First and foremost Ken Bolton, as the Curator of the Media Cloisters, without whose help, expertise and good humor this site would never have been brought to fruition. Under his auspices in the 1990s, a number of students worked n the site, Chris Joslyn and Michael Pepe-Mooney helped with design issues, Chris also with some difficult scanning solutions. Later on with Tiffany Chow at their helm the following students worked on getting the marks and scratches and repairing some of my older and messed up images: Stephanie Yee, Aaron Gilson, Samantha Calvano. Everyone at Computing & Information Services for their cooperation, particularly Steve Taylor. Barbara Page, in her position as the faculty director of the Media Cloisters in the mid 1990s, for renewing the Cloisters policy of helping faculty members with their various projects. And again to Vassar College for hosting this site. Steve Litt, who when a student at Vassar in 2005 was helpful.

Because this site is very active other people help me in various capacities along the way. I will add them as they come into the picture. Cristian Opazo – starting in the fall of 2006, has taken Ken Bolton’s place in overseeing the site at Vassar College – He makes sure it is saved often and that the server is acting correctly for the site. We also met once a week during the school year to go over various issues as they arise. Ken is now at Columbia University, I assume being as terrific there as he was at Vassar. Since this was written I am pretty sure that Ken has gone into business for himself. Joe Letourneau – as an aspect of his internship with me at Vassar (fall 2006-spring 2007) this year has scanned mucho images and negatives for me and did an excellent job.

Amy Laughlin started at Vassar in her position as Academic Computer Consultant in the spring of 2013. She has also been helpful in numbers of ways.

In 2011, Joanna DiPasquale came to Vassar as the Digital Initiatives Librarian, a then-new position at Vassar, and has been extremely helpful in many ways in managing and upgrading the site as well as engaging in discussions for the site's eventual future.

A thank you for all of my friends and acquaintances for putting up with my sometimes intrusive photographing as well as helping me with names of people. This sometimes takes the form of an email from me asking such questions as – Do you remember the name of the person you were sitting next to at dinner in this photograph taken in 1986? This is a never-ending (well, until I do actually end) process on which I am always playing catch-up.

I apologize to those of you who I have failed to mention and who have been very helpful with this site.