Individual Pages


Individual Pages


Like a certain amount of what I undertake, Individual Pages, is as much an idea about something as the thing itself. I say this because it can never be completed, never be brought to fruition. The undertaking is much too vast to ever be completed. it acts as the thing itself as well as a place holder, an indication, enough of an example of the complete to be able to stand in for the whole. The goal of Individual pages is to have everyone who is represented on this site to have an individual page, a biography of a kind. A representation of who they are to round out and shore up their presence on this site and beyond. A slight nod to who they are. All of the people from Groups, Visitors, and with me in Self-Portraits. I haven’t the slightest idea how many people that would be, so it starts off with the impossibility of completion. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have the totality, but I understand the impossibility of that. I will, though, persevere and continue sending out the questionnaires and uploading the data received until, well, that becomes impossible. Understand that this is not a defeat but only a fact.

Rights Holder

This work is copyright © Harry Roseman. All rights reserved.

For reproduction or use inquires, or for any questions about the site, contact Harry Roseman.

Items in the Individual Pages Collection (40/941)

Elizabeth Bradley

Harry Roseman 2022/05/16
Arabesque VIII

Zinn, Tamar
Arabesque XXII

Zinn, Tamar
Arabesques XVII

Zinn, Tamar
Arabesque VII

Zinn, Tamar
Arabesques XIV

Zinn, Tamar
Arabesque XII

Zinn, Tamar
Loretta View 4

Zinn, Tamar
Arabesque VI

Zinn, Tamar

Woodman, Timothy

Woodman, Timothy
Timothy Woodman

Woodman, Timothy

Wilson, Helen Miranda

Wilson, Helen Miranda

Wilson, Helen Miranda

Wilson, Helen Miranda

Wilson, Helen Miranda
Nancy Willard

Willard, Nancy
Orchard Street

Westfall, Stephen

Westfall, Stephen

Westfall, Stephen

Westfall, Stephen
Dark and Bright

Westfall, Stephen
Josh Weinstein

Weinstein, Josh

Wayne, Leslie
Kind of Blue (for E.M.)

Wayne, Leslie
Weight of my World

Wayne, Leslie
View all 941 items

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