Friends and Acquaintances: 2011


Friends and Acquaintances: 2011

Rights Holder

This work is copyright © Harry Roseman. All rights reserved.

For reproduction or use inquires, or for any questions about the site, contact Harry Roseman.

Items in the Friends and Acquaintances: 2011 Collection (27/27)


Dinner at Bottino, NYC. 7 of 7

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-29
Dinner at Bottino, NYC. 6 of 7

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-29
Dinner at Bottino, NYC (detail). 5 of 7

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-29
Dinner at Bottino, NYC. 4 of 7

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-29
Dinner at Bottino, NYC. 3 of 7

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-29
Dinner at Bottino, NYC. 2 of 7

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-29
Dinner at Bottino, NYC. 1 of 7

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-29
Dinner at Gigi's, Rhinebeck, NY

Roseman, Harry 2011-03-31
Before Rosemary's opening

Roseman, Harry 2011-04-02
The Church Brigham Family

Roseman, Harry 2011-04-12
At the New Museum, NYC

Roseman, Harry 2011-04-30
Adams Fairacre Farm

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